Saturday, July 29, 2006

CASS Conference - London, Ontario

My mom, dad, and grandma (yes it takes all three to take me cross-country) took me to meet my fellow angels. My family was a bit nervous at the thought of coming to the conference, but after being there for a few hours, they realized that angel gatherings are the best opportunity to meet such sweet, kind people. I got to meet a great new angel, Aiden, who is 2 years old and is a super cool kid. He has beautiful orange hair, a brand new sis, and very cool parents. I also met Dante and his sweet parents (and Dante, I have tasted the oak table but not yet taken a good bite - I think I'm waiting on more teeth!). I also heard about Rachel, who is my same age, and her parents were super cool too. I'd love to meet her one day. I plan to make sure my parents keep in touch with all of them and definitely plan for more conference dates later on!

After the conference, we went to Niagara Falls, where I got to be amongst great big crowds and lots of energy! I also got to eat at my third Rain Forest Cafe in NF (First in Chicago, second in San Antonio). After enjoying the fish tanks so much, I talked my gamma into trying to take me to every Rain Forest Cafe - I'm so excited!

Since this was a "vacation", I decided to let my family sleep this trip, which they were quite happy about. I stayed in three different hotels, and pretty much slept each night. I'm such a softy... I guess all the excitement tired me out.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

My First Birthday!!!

It's my first party! I had so much fun with all my friends and family! I got to have some great cake that my mom and gamma made for me and took a dip in my baby pool after. My mom and dad can't believe its been one year, even though I kept telling them I was trying to make it as long as possible with all those sleepless nights. I guess I should raise the bar in year two!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

All About Ashley - My Grand Intro

Hi, my name is Ashley Ann, and I am the absolute best thing that has ever happened to my parents! Before I came, my parents enjoyed long meals at nice restaurants, sleeping in on the weekends... well, I guess they used to enjoy sleep anytime. But now that I'm here, I have shown them the finer things in life such as how beautiful the stars are at 3 am and how rushing through a meal to play with me is actually a good diet for mom! I guess I owe you an explanation as to why I have disrupted their insanity and conformed it "angel style." On March 16, 2006, my mom and dad were told that I am truly an angel, but not just any angel. I have Angelman Syndrome, which removed the unnecessary part of Chromosome 15 that would require me to do things in life I don't really care for --- like being quiet when I don't want to, not being able to take others' glasses and taste the lenses, having to work every day when I get older, do my own laundry... I think you get the picture. My mom and dad can probably give a doctor explanation for it, but mine pretty much sums it up. So, these are a few pictures from my first year. My mom has a ton more pics but since she is just now getting around to creating my blog, she's starting from now. So, I will make sure she stays on top of my site so that all my angel followers can keep track of where I am. Keep watching for me!